
Grassroots Letter Writing

This week, students in AP Government worked collaboratively to craft a letter to send out to high schools across the state of Missouri. We need students, parents, teachers, and administrators across the state to contact their state legislators and help us pass HB 1508, ensuring college credit for students who have earned it by scoring a 3 or above on their AP exams. This letter will be sent out shortly soliciting the support of schools throughout the state. Together, we can get this legislation passed and save Missouri students and families millions of dollars.

College Board Visitors

On Thursday, two officials from the College Board joined Liberty North students to talk about our efforts to pass HB 1508. Julie Harris-Lawrence, Senior Director for Teacher Outreach, and Kevin McHenry, Government Relations Director, shared with us information on the legislative process, lobbying, and recent efforts in other states to pass similar uniform AP credit policies. We appreciate the help and support that the College Board is providing our initiative!

HB 1508 Introduced!

Last year, students in Liberty North's AP US Government and Politics classes researched and drafted legislation that would ensure all students who scored a 3 or above on an AP exam would be guaranteed college credit at all public institutions of higher learning in Missouri. Currently, each university and department create their own policy of awarding credit based on AP scores. This lack of uniform policy creates confusion and inequity and denies Missouri high students the credit that they have earned. We shared our concerns with our state representative Mark Ellebracht and he prefiled a bill proposing a uniform policy in Missouri. HB 1508 is currently in the Missouri General Assembly and students in this year's AP US Government classes will be working to help pass this much needed legislation. You can track the bill's progress here .